How to Hide Payment Methods based on Customer's Tags on Hidepay for Shopify

Discover how to leverage Hidepay's tag-based customizations to create tailored user experiences in your Shopify store
Written by Fabio Romanelli
Updated 4 months ago

Welcome to our tutorial on creating customizations for clients using tags on iPad. Customizing user experiences based on specific client attributes can greatly enhance customer satisfaction and streamline business operations.

The first step is to click on Create Customization. Select Simple Customization.

As Condition we need to choose the "Customer Tag" function. This function allows us to select any client containing or not containing a specific tag and this is what we are going to choose in the second window. Now fill all the tag you want to add (in our example we use the VIP tag)


If we want clients with the "grit" tag to have special privileges, we can hide certain payment options for non-VIP clients and we are going to select which payments simply toggling the switch we want.


Once we've set this up SAVE and we can see that the rule is already active. For those non-VIP clients, certain payment methods will be hidden. 

This tutorial provides a clearer explanation of the steps involved in creating a customization for clients based on specific tags.

Start implementing tag-based customizations today and elevate your business to new heights of success.

For any further information please contact our Customer Service.

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