In this tutorial, we'll see step by step how to hide or offer any shipping rate in Shopify Checkout based on a specific ZIP CODE using HideShip.
In this tutorial, we'll see how to offer specific shipping rates in Shopify Checkout for those clients who are from a specific area using the zip code in HideShip.
Let's get started with this simple and quick process:
Begin by accessing the HideShip Dashboard and clicking on "Create Customization". In the popup window, select "Simple Customization".
In the condition field under the shipping group, choose "Zip code".
Let's create a rule where if the zip code contains “11” then will hide the payment you want.
Select "contain" in the second field, add the value of the zip code.
Here you can use 2 specific methods to personalize as much as you want:
11630 - Use a specific Zip code and add as many as you want just using a simple comma (Es. 11630, 77310, 123A4, …)
In the "Hide, Sort, or Rename Shipping Methods" section, you'll find a list of popular methods. Here, you can remove or hide any methods you don't want to offer and keep only the ones you prefer.
To hide a method, simply toggle the button on its right.
Once satisfied with your setting click "Save".
The rule is now active.
With Hideship, managing and sorting shipping rates based on Zip Code in Shopify Checkout is effortless and efficient, ensuring a seamless experience for both you and your customers.🛒✨