Multiscount Shipping Discount

The new Shipping Discount function.
Written by Fabio Romanelli
Updated 4 months ago

The Shipping Discount function gives you the possibility to apply a discount to your Shipping rates singularly or all together. The discount can be partial or you can even create a Free shipping based on the amount or quantity of product in the cart.

Let’s see how to use the new Shipping Discount Implementation released on Multiscount with a simple rule:

From the dashboard you have two ways to start the process from the top right button “Create Discount” or directly from the “Shipping Discount: Shipping discount tiers” from the frontend list

In the first part of the setting you can define if create your discount as Automatic or as a Code Discount and personalize your code with a custom name.
In the Commerce Type you can decide if apply the discount to everyone or select between B2B or B2C.
And in the Customer eligibility you can even choose if to apply for specific Customer Tags.

For this example, we create an Automatic discount with an internal title First Shipping Discount available for all customers that have the tag VIP

In the Discount Tiers we set the tiers we want:

- you can create the message we want to show when the condition will be verified
- you can decide on what activates our discount if on the quantity of the products in the cart or on the amount of the cart
- you can apply a percentage of discount or a fixed amount
- you can decide if apply the discount on all shipping method or only on a specific Shipping method already active on the store.

Now we are going to set the tier discount and let’s create a double tier one at 50% if the cart total amount is 1000 or more and a free Standard shipping method if there are 10 products in the cart

First Tier

Second Tier

Notice: When you want to target a Custom method you have a picker helping you to select the method already active on your store.

In the last sections it’s important to decide with which discount is possible to combine this Shipping Discount or make it unique.
In the Active dates you can even program when it would go online and stop; if you don’t set it the discount will start right away when you click the button save.

We make this discount not combinable and we want to activate it immediately.

Now save and the Discount it’s active

Now creating a shipping discount on your store requires only a few clicks!

Remember If you need any help don’t hesitate to contact our support.

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