
What I can do with Discount Functions?

Can you give some example use case?
Scritto da Andrea Morone
Aggiornato 1 anno fa
  1. Money off a product. For example, 20% off shirts.
  2. Money off a product variant. For example, $5 off blue shirts.
  3. Buy a specific quantity of a product for a specific amount. For example, $5 off up to 2 blue shirts.
  4. Buy a specific amount of a product, get a second amount at a discount. For example, buy 4 shirts and get 2 blue shirts free.
  5. Money off the order subtotal. For example, $5 off the order subtotal.
  6. Money off products on an order. For example, 20% off all products on the order.
  7. Tiered discount by spend. For example, spend $100 get 10% off all products.
  8. Free shipping.
  9. A discount on shipping. For example, 20% off shipping or $5 off shipping.
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