
Block Gift Card Payment Method Using Simple Customization in HidePay

This section will guide you through using HidePay to "BLOCK the GIFT CARD" payment method.
Escrito por Abhi Jain
Atualizado 1 dia atrás

This customization will allow you to block gift card payment methods on your Shopify store using HidePay.

To create this condition, navigate to the HidePay dashboard and click "Create Customization" at the top right.

After clicking on "Create Customization," a new popup window will appear with different customization options for your Shopify store. To hide the Gift Card payment method, select "Simple Customization. " This option allows you to create a basic payment rule using a single condition.

In the Condition section you have various conditions options, choose the one that best suits your store.

For example, we'll use “Cart Total,” but you can adjust it to your needs.

In the first field, you will select Cart Total

In the second field, you will see how this condition works: “greater” or “less” than.

Finally, enter the value as per your requirement to run this condition on your store.

Next, select the operation you want to perform with this condition, for this example, we choose "Hide Payments methods into the checkout".

You must choose at least one—or all three—operations based on your conditions or rules: hide, sort, or rename payment methods.

Now, we’ll select the payment method to hide. If the cart total is greater than €0, we'll hide the gift card.

Simply toggle the button to disable the Gift Card option, ensuring it is hidden for all carts with a total greater than €0

Finally, click "Save," and the rule will be set to either draft or active. You can easily enable or disable the rule anytime from the main dashboard with a simple click. 

For more information, feel free to contact us through HelpCrunch or Email.

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